#5: Vinita Salomé about gratitude and falling in love with life

VINITA SALOMÉ, owner Vinita Salomé Photography

In this episode we go for a short visit to India where my next guest is currently staying. You’ll hear the story of Vinita Salomé. She is a talented travel and portrait photographer who spent her youth in Japan and India, and came to the Netherlands about 20 years ago. She shares how she sees the world through her lens, as a business owner but also as a mom of a teenage boy, while inspiring others to mindfully capture the beauty in life, even in uncertain times.

“I grew up in Japan, spent my youth in India and now I live with my teenage son in The Netherlands. Three very different countries. Three extremely different cultures. But what do we all have in common? The need to be acknowledged; the wish to be understood and a deep desire to save expressions of everything that makes us who we are.

Over the years I’ve learned to put aside the culture-tinted goggles we tend to wear and see the individual beneath. To see the uniqueness that you carry within you and bring it to the forefront so you can freely share it with the world.

Be it the rare skill you offer through your business or the fleeting dimpled smile of your moody two-year-old.

As a photographer I create a safe environment and dig deep, so the person you truly are – the person wanting to come out but is too shy to – has the space to come forward. And you can rest assured that I will be there, with my camera, ready to catch them before they slip away.”

Vinita offers a discount of 15% for all MultiWoman & Co. podcast listeners! Scroll down for more information about the course and how to sign up!


These are uncertain times. Many of us have never experienced this level of uncertainty in our lifetimes. Hopefully after this, our children never will. Nonetheless, it is a pivotal moment in our collective lifetimes.

The e-course ‘Life Through Your Lens’  is a way to help you use mindful photography as a way to deal with this time. What makes you happy in these dire times? What are you grateful for?  Document every single detail of your life that evokes these feelings.

Download this course and receive a PDF with creative prompts, over the period of 15 days. These prompts are to be followed every other day. Leaving you time to reflect between tasks or on off days!

Connect with Vinita Salomé

For signing up for  “Life In Lockdown Through Your Lens” go to:

https://www.vinitasalome.com/services/ and click on the course. You will be taken to the shop or you can go directly to the shop.



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